Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Star Trek in Hoyts IMAX

Picture 1 Star Trek (J. J. Abrams version)

Last night I watched Star Trek in Hoyts IMAX, Fox Studio. Here are some of my experiences:
  1. On the ticket counter, my friend argued with the ticket-man because my friend saw on the website that the ticket price is $20/person and the ticket-man told us that it was $22/person. He told us that it was because it's IMAX, but then he checked it again for us. In the end, it's only around $17.33/person. I am happy with that, but I also think that it is important to be careful with it.
  2. I felt fantastic when the movie started and then a couple minutes later I realized that something was missing, something important. Then I figured out that THERE WAS NO SUB-TITLE. It destroyed my hype in an instant.
  3. There was a scene when James Kirk, as a student, told his friend, Leonard McCoy, that he would re-take a test which nobody has ever passed. The next scene was he did something on a bed with a green female alien and it was over when her room-mate, Nyota Uhura, returned and found out about him. After that, Kirk and some other students including McCoy and Uhura did the simulation test and beat it. Later, Kirk was in the court because he was found cheating on the test.
About no.3 The bed scene seems unimportant. Later I found in memory alpha that the name of the green alien was Gaila and she worked in the computer lab. Kirk asked for her help to release a cheat patch to the simulation test. That is the reason of the bed scene. Without knowing this, it is difficult to understand the story. It is also appear that something is not important but it is actually important if we can put the right frame (Framing is a technique of adding words into a sentence to give it more context).

Overall, the film is good.

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