Monday, February 1, 2010

ic! berlin Glasses Manual

I wear an ic! berlin glasses. A couple hours ago, due to my carelessness, I let it fell and it teared apart. I was ... quite upset and also afraid that I would need to buy a new one. Fortunately it seemed repairable, but I did not know how to repair it. Thankfully I found the manual in YouTube. Thus, I put it here in case I need it again later.

Here is the video about ic! berlin's hinge:

I like ic! berlin glasses. It's fancy, light, no screws and it's easily fixed. LOL.

1 comment:

  1. geschaft! I fell asleep on my girlfriend's glasses. woke up at 2 in the morning with the glasses 'broken' between my back and the bed. I was mortified. fiddled with them for a while then finally searched the web and found this post. now that they're fixed the way seems obvious, but who knows how long I would have messed with them had I not found this video.
