This third and last day is about EXCELLENCE. We were gathered in ASB Business Lounge (sixth floor of ASB Building) at 8:30 AM. This time we did not get any breakfast. There were several activities for this day.
1. Business Case
Our role was as a consultant. Each group picked the case at certain time and had one hour to prepare for seven-minutes-presentation. Each group was assigned to certain room and facilitated with paper (A4 and A1) and two color marker (black and blue). We got about one hour before picked the case. We use the time to prepare things that we thought we would need to mention or discuss. After we got the case, we use half an hour to discuss and another half to write down the presentation on A1 paper.
2. First Presentation
We got seven minutes to present and another two minutes for being questioned and answered those in front of the judges and handycam (our presentation was recorded). We supported each other's answers for each question that was given to us.
3. Self Assessment
We self-assessed ourself by using questionnaire that was given after we got out of the presentation room. It was about:
a. what we think went right for our team
For our group:
- We understood the case
- We made the structure before, so our presentation was well structured.
- We listened and tried to understand to each other's ideas (brainstorming).
- We stuck with the time.
- The questions were unpredictable (like if you do that, what do you think your competitor will do?), but we had the information (from brainstorming), so we could answer the questions.
b. what we think are the ways in which we could have done better
For our group:
- We discussed things that we had planned but we did not because of time schedule (like contingency plan, risk analysis, etc.).
- We managed our presentation (like blocking).
c. negotiation style
d. Belbin (it was introduced to us on the workshop at the first day of the program)
I did not planned this, but when I thought about it, each of us played our Belbin's role for at least:
- 1 originator
- 1 coordinator
- 1 supporter
- 1 finisher
It happened naturally without planning.
4. Lunch
They provided us lunch.
Picture 1 Lunch
5. Feedback
Each group received feedback from the judges. Positive feedbacks were that we did good, our presentation was structured, and we did a good start (strong introduction). Negative feedbacks were that we gave to many solutions (we should just pick the top three). After we received our feedback, instead of chatting with others, our group returned to the room and prepared for second presentation although we did not know whether we would make it to second presentation or not.
6. Second Presentation
Only top three groups were given a chance to do the second presentation and my group made it.
After that the judges gave us their speeches. They emphasized about these:
- eye contact, always look at the audiences at their forehead, not stare at their eyes (not only the presenter but also the other members).
- to not look at the board all the time
- structure, tell your ideas then re-confirm what you have told
- to keep it really-really simple
Shahid talked to us and he told us something and I realized that I took all of the challenges without complains, I worked on it with my group, and I presented my group work. This way, I took a step in my life.
7. Experiential Exercises
- A competition to make a structure from a piece of A4 paper as tall as possible in 15 minutes.
We managed to build one, but it did not last long because of air conditioner (external factor). When it was started, everyone just jumped into it (no plan), even though in the end, after one of us came with a good idea, everyone stopped working individually and helped.
- A competition to gain control of a series of straw.
We managed to control it, but other groups can do it faster than us. We did not understand it, we just realized that it was all about time when it was over.
Some last words:
- Ash (Project leader for this day) told us about leadership, that is not only about coordinating, but also influencing.
- Stan (Project leader for second day) told us to keep things that we like.